Editor's word
Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022, Pages 9-10


  Mysticism and its enduring teachings in the form of opinions, situations and sayings of the people of knowledge and what is from historyIts development is imprinted on the page of literary works, it has such a scope that exploring all its aspectsIt is an endless thing for researchers. It has been at ...  Read More

The underlying component Meanings in the Thoughts of Abu Saeed Abu Alkheir (Based on Viktor Frankl’s Views)

morad esmaeeli; hossein mohammadi; ali rabiezadeh

Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022


  Inquiring about the true meaning of life and making an attempt to find an answer to it has been one of the mental concerns for man so far. A number of researchers and scholars from different fields have investigated its nature and tried their best to come up with an answer to it. The Islamic-Iranian ...  Read More

The place of mystical love in Mersadoul A bad observation with reflection on Ahmad Ghazali's point of view

Mahmood Bashiri; niloofar ansari

Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022


  The truth of love, as the highest existential truth, is one of the most fundamental issues of mysticism that many mystics have written in this field. Ahmad al-Ghazali and Najmuddin Razi are two mystics (fifth and seventh centuries) who have discussed very influential issues in the field of mystical love.The ...  Read More

Analysis of the relationship between Shams and Rumi in the light of Shams articles
Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022, Pages 63-84


  The high position of Rumi and Shams in mystical literature has led to the formation of various narratives about their lives and thoughts,, they help us understand their biography. At the same time, the multiplicity and variety of narratives and the complexity of these two characters make it difficult ...  Read More

Research on the thoughts of Rumi and Ibn Arabi and analysis of their views on the levels of Moses (AS) (Relying on Fusus al-Hikam and the works of Rumi)

Seyyed Mohammad Reza Hosseini; Alimohammad Moazzeni

Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022, Pages 85-126


  AbstractThe present study expresses the common views of Rumi and Ibn Arabi on the levels of Prophet Moses (AS) in the field of Islamic mysticism. Ibn Arabi and Rumi have many common views and thoughts about this divine prophet, and the reason for this is their common intellectual foundations, especially ...  Read More

Analytical Recognition of the Shitahit in Attar's Divan of Ghazals

Shirzad Tayefi; Atefeh Shahsavand

Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022, Pages 127-154


  Since the language of mysticism is mysterious and Cryptic, the mystical speech in specific spiritual cases is, manifested as Shitahit in expressing its observations and findings. Therefore, paradoxes have a close relationship with the divine mysteries in a way that it can reflect private thoughts of ...  Read More

Representation of the path Schemas of Mystical Journey in Hadiqah al-Haqiqah of Sanai and Tamhidat of Ain al- qadat Hamedani

zahra alipoor

Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022, Pages 155-182


  تکامل و پیشرفت معنوی که عرفا از آن به سیر و سلوک تعبیر می‌کنند، امری انتزاعی است. بر اساس نظریّات علوم شناختی، آنچه امکان بیان این تجارب را فراهم می‌کند، استفاده از طرح‌واره‌های ...  Read More

Arabic explanation of a lyric attributed to Rumi by Yusuf Ibn Hamza Malati with the first verse " دوش وقت صبحدم در چرخ پایان یافتم"

Abdolrasool Forootan

Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022, Pages 183-212


  There are several explanations in Persian, Arabic and Turkish about the lyric with the first verse " دوش وقت صبحدم در چرخ پایان یافتم/ در میان دانة خشخاش سندان یافتم" attributed to Jalaluddin Rumi. The most detailed known explanation was probably written ...  Read More

The Robber Lover; Mystical analysis of a lyric by Rumi based on Stace's view

Hosseinali Ghobadi; amir moradi; SAEID BOZORGBIGDELI

Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022, Pages 213-238


  Mystical experience, as a type of religious experience, has characteristics that each of the religious philosophers and mystics have listed characteristics according to their point of view. Walter Stacey is one of these renowned scholars who in the book Mysticism and Philosophy has seven basic characteristics ...  Read More

Comparative study of theory of ideas in Rumi's and Hopkins sonnets

zahra Ghoreishi

Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022, Pages 239-270


  Great mystical works are like mirror that show one origination and tell one concept in different forms. As mystics are speakers of hearts that search for their origination, this works get universal. The aim of this research is to find signs of theory of ideas in Hopkins and Rumi's expressions and points. ...  Read More

The study of the evolution of the causative agents of sadness and happiness in the mystical Hadighat alHaghigha, mantegh Altair Attar, Masnavi ma’navi

samane mansouri

Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022, Pages 271-295


  Looking at the prominent works of mystical literature, we see major differences in the use of mystical terms.If we know the Sadness and mystical joy is one of the mystical state that has always been affect the mystic In the way of life and conduct, This concept can have different manifestations in mystical ...  Read More

A Critical Reading of Select Commentaries on Rumi’s Masnavi Based on Aesthetics of Reception by Jauss and Iser

batul vaez; atiyeh saadt nasri

Volume 1, Issue 2 , October 2022, Pages 297-340


  Reader-oriented theories of literary criticism maintain that meaning is not something fixed in the mind of the author or hidden in the text; rather, meaning is shaped when the reader interacts with the text. This article draws on aesthetics of reception by The Jauss and Iser to study seven select commentaries ...  Read More