Document Type : Original Article


1 university Alameh tabatabaei

2 university Modares


The truth of love, as the highest existential truth, is one of the most fundamental issues of mysticism that many mystics have written in this field. Ahmad al-Ghazali and Najmuddin Razi are two mystics (fifth and seventh centuries) who have discussed very influential issues in the field of mystical love.
The results of this study indicate that Al-Ghazali and Razi believe that the true representative is created only through love and according to the theory of the unity of existence, all manifestations of existence are a reflection of the form of truth. The lover loves all these manifestations and this romantic look is the reason why the whole universe is beautiful. According to these two mystics, before entering the world, man was a trustee of the essence of love, and both mystics, quoting the verse "Yahbham and Yahbunah", know the beginning of lovemaking from God and the intellect in the path of love and the seeker to the imperfect god. And they know poorly.
Mirror and mirror-holding is another issue that has been raised in Mursad al-Abbad and Ghazali's works, which is like a mirror in which the mystic Jamal Hagh looks at the beautiful and conscious heart, and the lover can find his perfection of beauty only in the mirror of love and desire. The divisibility of love is another material that is indirectly extracted in Mursad al-Abbad and Ghazali's works, and the existing material indicates the belief of these two mystics in dividing love into different types.
