Document Type : Original Article


Shiraz University


Great mystical works are like mirror that show one origination and tell one concept in different forms. As mystics are speakers of hearts that search for their origination, this works get universal. The aim of this research is to find signs of theory of ideas in Hopkins and Rumi's expressions and points. The base of work is Rumi's sonnets and Hopkins poems, then analysis of their poems to find their similarities in this field. The result is that both have noticed to this concept in symbolic and explicit method. Both have used nature and its figures and elements for expressing this concept. Moreover, this subject in both of the poets is along with concepts such as manifestation, utopia, beauty, instress, etc. The issues that make relationship these two thinking in this field. Althogh there are some deference in the method of proposing this issue between these two poets. Rumi expresses it in various figures and alyigorical methods. On the other hand Hokins proposes a controversy concept from theory of idea. The other aim of this study is introducing Hopkin, s philosophical thoughts as an unknown poet in Iran.
