Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Department of Persian language and Literature,Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran,Iran.


Mystical experience, as a type of religious experience, has characteristics that each of the religious philosophers and mystics have listed characteristics according to their point of view. Walter Stacey is one of these renowned scholars who in the book Mysticism and Philosophy has seven basic characteristics including monotheistic vision or unifying consciousness, timelessness-impossibility, sense of objectivity or reality, sense of peace and tranquility, sense of holiness and sanctity and divinity, Has mentioned paradoxes, and inexpressibility for mystical experience. Divan-e Shams contains manifestations of Rumi's mystical experiences, including objective and subjective experiences. Rumi's objective experiences have manifested themselves in the form of mystical fables, mystical springs, transformations, mystical epics, and wonderful encounters In her psychic experiences, in which God really speaks in the language of Rumi, categories such as pride and warning, questioning and reproach, the need to recognize oneself, and enthusiasm and forgiveness can be seen. Analysis and explanation of the sonnets of each category requires knowledge of the theoretical foundations of mysticism, attention to the structure and meaning of the sonnet, as well as mastery of the poet's mental system. In this research, one of Rumi's mystical fables has been studied. In this narration, Rumi has used the code "thief" to express the manifestations of one of his objective experiences. The present study, while deciphering this poem using other lyric poems of Divan-e Shams, has discussed all the features considered by Stacey for mystical experience.
