Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor at the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Gonbad kavos University, Gonbad kavos, iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Gonbadkavos University, Gonbadkavos, Iran

3 Master's degree in Persian language and literature from Gonbadkavos University


Inquiring about the true meaning of life and making an attempt to find an answer to it has been one of the mental concerns for man so far. A number of researchers and scholars from different fields have investigated its nature and tried their best to come up with an answer to it. The Islamic-Iranian mysticism is one of the fields that has paid special attention to life, its aims, and the ways to achieve them. Therefore, it can answer a wide range of questions that we face every day. This research with descriptive-analytical approach aims to focus on the true meaning of life from Abu Sa’id Abul-Khayr’s viewpoint and investigate the book Asrar al-Tawhid fi Maghamat al-Sheikh Abusa'id to find out a response to the essence of life and the meaningful life components in this great Sufi mystic’s belief. According to the findings of the present study, perspectival, creative, and experiential values that Frankle considers as the ways of finding meaning are crystallized in the ideas and deeds of Abu Saeed Abu Alkheir. He displays the perspectival values in his Asrar Al Tuhid through severe austerity, abandoning worldly attachments, self-mortification, and achieving freedom via renouncing self-centeredness. Similarly, Abu Saeed demonstrates creative values through his cultivating an intense passion for poetry, establishing romantic mysticism, believing in joy, and equating Sama with kind of worship. Finally, he represents reveals the experiential values through loving God and humans, thinking about the plight of human existence, being generous, sacrificing, serving humans, and tolerance.


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