Document Type : Original Article


1 Allameh Tabataba';i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


Since the language of mysticism is mysterious and Cryptic, the mystical speech in specific spiritual cases is, manifested as Shitahit in expressing its observations and findings. Therefore, paradoxes have a close relationship with the divine mysteries in a way that it can reflect private thoughts of a Sufi mystic in higher mystical stags. In this arena, Attar Neyshaboori is a mystical poet whose school has devoted a special section of his Ghazals to these Shitahit in such a way that we can find the foundation of his mystical thoughts in the analysis of his Ghazals Shitahit. This article aims at analyzing the Shitahit in Attar Neyshaboori’s Divan of Ghazals. It also tries to analyze the main verses of Attar's Divan in which the concept of “Shitahit” is hidden by inductive-analytic method. So, in this way, the analytical philosophy of Attar’s views on Shitahit based on its construing motif and the importance of his views in this regard can be explained and clarified to see to what extent and in what way the “Shitahit” have infiltrated into Attar Neyshaboori’s Divan of Ghazals and odes.
