Document Type : Original Article


The high position of Rumi and Shams in mystical literature has led to the formation of various narratives about their lives and thoughts,, they help us understand their biography. At the same time, the multiplicity and variety of narratives and the complexity of these two characters make it difficult to reach reality . In this research by reviewing historical sources especially by using the information contained in Shams's Maghalat and comparing these narrations we try to answer these questions in a descriptive-analytical manner: Was the meeting between Shams and Rumi a coincidence? What facts can be found about these two characters from Shams's first conversation with Rumi? What was the effect of this meeting on Shams himself? How does Shams view his relationship with Rumi? The result of this research showed that Shams's view of their first meeting and also his view of Rumi and the type of relationship with him is different from the descriptions in the memoirs, just as Shams's face in the Maghalat differs from his mythical and celestial face in the memoirs and even poems of Rumi.Shams's Maghalat lifts the face of Rumi from the obedient and obedient follower to the level of leader of leader ,Also it transforms the face of Shams from an extraterrestrial man to an terrestrial face.
