Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student

2 Professor of Tabriz University



Investigating mystical experiences in the works of mystics is not possible outside of language. But despite all this, language is incomplete and insufficient in explaining these experiences. For this reason, mystics have usually tried in their works by resorting to artistic and literary forms, including symbols, allegories, codes, and irony. And it is a metaphor, to express their mystical experiences in the form of words, which is called mystical language and includes the language of expressions and gestures. This research, in an analytical way, investigates the application of the components of Abu Talib Makki's mystical language in Qut al-Qulub. The findings of the research show that Abu Talib Makki, by relying on the traditions of the Prophet and his Companions, was able to unify the attributes and actions that show his mystical spirit and behavior and his practical experiences in the mystical field, by using a special mystical language. He should show that he is influenced by the words of his soul and includes allegory, code, adaptation of Quranic verses and narration of anecdotes.


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