Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Imam Khomeini International university, Qazvin, Iran

2 Phd student in Persian Language & Literature, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran



In addition to political, social, moral and patriotic themes, contemporary poets of Afghanistan have also paid attention to mysticism and Sufism in their poems. The main content of the poems of Ghaznavi, Kabuli and Heydari voJoudi, three of the famous contemporary mystic and Sufi poets of Afghanistan, are also mystical and romantic concepts. The issue of "unity of existence" and "unity of intuition" has been one of the prominent themes of the poets of Afghan mysticism, especially after the appearance of Ibn Arabi, due to its special place in theoretical and practical mysticism. This research, in a descriptive-analytical method, by examining and analyzing the poetic evidences containing these themes, in the divan of the three mentioned poets, shows that in Ghaznavis poems the unity of existence and the unity of intuition with different interpretations and similes have the same meaning and He used the concept and actually considered the unity of intuition as the objective manifestation of the unity of existence. MastanShah Kabuli differentiates between the unity of existence and the unity of intuition, as he introduced the unity of existence as the principle and the unity of intuition as its subsidiary; But knowing and observing Hazrat Haq is possible only in these two ways. Heydari voJoudi also raised the issue of the unity of existence and the unity of intuition by using the language of similes, especially similes, and he, like Mastan-Shah, found the recognition and observation of Hazrat Haq possible only with existential knowledge and intuitive perception.


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