Document Type : Original Article
1 Visiting Professor of Allameh Tabatabai University
2 phd student
One of the effective methods for studying the semantic dimensions of mystical language in literary texts is critical discourse analysis, which is a new approach in discourse analysis within literary and artistic studies. It analyzes texts in connection with the cultural and intellectual contexts. This article employs a descriptive-analytical method, extracting the mystical concepts present in the play "Dar rah Mehr," identifying important components, and then analyzing the mystical discourse of the play according to Fairclough's theoretical framework. The aim of this research is the critical analysis of the mystical discourse in the poetry of Hafez, how it is reflected in the play "Dar rah Mehr," and the identification of mystical concepts and components in this work based on Fairclough's critical discourse analysis approach and library research methods. The findings indicate that this play is among the mystical theatrical works inspired by the poetry of Hafez, where the author seeks to express mystical thoughts and ethical realms symbolically and dramatically. The results show that the play is a fictional, critical, philosophical, and ethical piece in which the author attempts to depict mystical philosophy through national sentiments and emotions in a dramatic manner. In fact, the author leans towards a type of mysticism derived from Hafez's mystical thoughts in his poetry.
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