Document Type : Original Article
Department of Persian Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
Qalandari literature is one of the branches of mystical literature that was created in response to intellectual, cultural and moral social and political corruption. Sonnet form is one of the main forms used by post-Sanaī poets in the field of Qalandari and Malamati literature. There are concepts of Qalandari and Rendi in the poetry of many poets, including Hommam Tabrizi. These concepts have created conceptual and cognitive imagery that by extracting conceptual maps and metaphors of these concepts, it is possible to understand the intellectual infrastructure of the poet and the social, political and cultural conditions of the poet's time to a great extent. In the present research, the authors have investigated and analyzed the conceptual mappings and metaphors in the Qalandari poetry of Hommam Tabrizi, a poet of the 7th century Hijri, using a descriptive-analytical method. According to the research, it is clear that the main concepts that have influenced the conceptual mappings and metaphors of Hommam Tabrizi's Qalandari poetry are the concepts of love, lover, lover, gambling and randy, concepts related to wine and drunkenness, conflict or false asceticism, hypocrisy and confrontation, Wisdom and love. Another point is that Hommam, like many poets of the 7th and 8th centuries, used the concepts of Qalandari, rendi and blame to fight against moral corruption.
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