Document Type : Original Article
Assistant professor in the department of Persian language and literature, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran
This research, using the method of qualitative content analysis, with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of Tazkirat al-Awliya from the Resale Qoshiriyyeh, has investigated the transtextual relationships of the two works according to Genette's theory. The results of the study showed that Tazkirat al-Awliya is linked with Resale Qoshiriyyeh in all the transtextual relationships. The quotation of the story of the life of the sheikhs and their sayings can be examined in three fields of Intertextuality, metatextuality and hypertextuality. In the section of intertextuality, it has been explicitly and implicitly influenced by Resale Qoshiriyyeh. Parts of the text of Resale Qoshiriyyeh are present in the text of Tazkirat al-Awliya unchanged. The intertextual connection is clearly visible in the sayings section. In the metatextual connection between two texts, Attar combines the text of Resale Qoshiriyyeh with explanation and commentary. In the field of hypertext, two texts are significantly related. Attar has adapted some anecdotes from Resale Qoshiriyyeh by changing the perspective, changing the narrator, changing the incident or changing the location, which in some parts has been accompanied by increasing and decreasing vocabulary. In the sayings section, communication is associated with the change of the speaker. Both books are in the subcategory of Sufi prose books and the language of both works is simple. The introductions of the two books have a similar structure and the commentators of Tazkirat al-Awliya have pointed out the influence of this book from the Resale Qoshiriyyeh.
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