Document Type : Original Article


1 University of tehran

2 University of Religions and Denominations

3 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran



Spirituality is a modern concept that is not precisely defined. However, sometimes it is considered religious and sometimes non-religious (anti-religious or non-religious). Apparently, spirituality in the traditional world is defined against the official reading of religion, and mysticism is the name given to it; But spirituality in the modern world is defined against modernity. However, modern spirituality and traditional mysticism have similarities and differences that are useful to compare. Muslim mystics have each provided components for traditional spirituality, which modern spirituality will become richer by using them, provided it is compatible with the components of modernity (rationality, autonomy and differentiation). "Ain al-Qadat Hamedani", a famous Iranian mystic, has presented the elements of spiritual life in his book "Tamhidat", which we want to explain in this article. Explaining the spiritual life elements of Muslim mystics can enrich modern spirituality. As a result, belief in God, humanism and individualism, tolerance, Adhering to moral principles and loving existence, are the components of spiritual life in "Tamhidat".


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