Document Type : Original Article
Allameh Tabataba'i University
Ibn Arabi had extraordinary impact on Islamic Sufism. His efforts to formulate the foundations of theoretical mysticism had a lasting effect on Islamic and Iranian mysticism, with many Sufis followed him including Mulla Sadra, Fakhr al-Din Iraqi, Seyyed Haidar Amoli and others. So far, Ibn 'Arabi's thoughts impact on some of the Iranian Sufis have been studied, but no attention has been paid to his influence on the thoughts and works of Shah Nematullah Vali. The current paper is a fundamental study based on library sources aiming at explaining the reflection of his thoughts in Shah Nematullah Vali odes. Having studied all Shah Nematullah Vali odes and adapting their themes to Ibn Arabi's thoughts reflected in his works, his followers and contemporary scholars, the researchers concluded that Ibn 'Arabi thoughts have been reflected on Shah Nematullah Vali odes as the Shiite mysticism leader, which has been transmitted by followers of Shah Nematullah Vali to the India and Turkestan. In addition, the efforts of the likes of Shah Nematullah Vali have provided the basis for the ideas of Ibn Arabi in the world of Shiism and even Sunnis.
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