Document Type : Original Article
1 Persian literature educational group
2 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
The category of "interpretation" or "hermeneutics" has been one of the old common ways of reading texts, especially holy texts. Mystics and Sufis have gradually expanded their interpretation beyond the scope of the Qur'anic verses and hadiths and have also interpreted other natural phenomena and everyday events. In this article, we have tried to examine the part of the interpretations of mystics about non-holy matters by exploring the three important mystical works of Qoshairiyyah's treatise, Asrar al-Tawheed and Tazkera al-Awliya, where mystics interpret all kinds of natural occurrences and everyday events from their state. He takes out his natural and conventional contractual systems and deals with a new meaning in accordance with his mystical worldview. In order to explain the interpretations of the mystics as best as possible, we have also used modern western hermeneutic opinions that give an important role to the understand. The results of this research show that the mystic is trying to adapt all natural affairs and events to his mystical thoughts and intellectual world and is constantly looking for an excuse to go from the world of intuition to the unseen world. These associations Interpretation occurs in various rhetorical forms such as Iham, al-Hakim style, double-reading Iham, Tabadur Iham, simile and majaz, and the Sufi develops his spiritual and mystical experiences with these methods.
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